Also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, trigger finger/thumb results in a catching or locking sensation in a finger or in the thumb. It is caused by the formation of a nodule on a flexor tendon that catches on the finger’s pulley system as it moves. In an acute trigger finger, this can be very painful or sometimes there is only a small amount of pain associated with the condition.
Treatment for a trigger finger involves splinting to prevent the nodule from catching and putting pressure on the finger’s pulley system. Splinting may range from nighttime only to full-time, depending on severity.
There are several types of splints that can be fabricated for this condition. Your hand therapist can evaluate your hand and fabricate one that works for your lifestyle. She will also advise you regarding protection, prevention and exercises you can use to improve your range of motion and prevent stiffness. Modalities such as ice, ultrasound and electrotherapy can also help you manage pain and inflammation if these are associated with your trigger.
If your trigger finger is severe and/or is not improving with conservative management, your hand therapist may recommend surgical consultation for cortisone injection or surgical release.
Please note that the information on this page is for reference only and not a substitute for medical advice. If you have a hand injury or condition that requires treatment, please see your physician or hand therapist for an assessment.