Kelsey Tompkins


Registered Physiotherapist & Hand Therapy Resident

Kelsey graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with distinction and Master of Science in Physical Therapy in 2014. She has experience working with athletes and the general population in all areas of orthopedics in both private practice as well as a hospital setting. Although she enjoys treating all areas of the body, she has a special interest in hand and upper extremity injuries.

Kelsey is passionate about remaining up to date with the most current research. Using an evidence based approach to treatment, Kelsey helps her clients attain their individual rehabilitation goals through hands on, patient specific treatment. Her focus is on finding and treating the cause of symptoms to prevent future reoccurrence. Kelsey is dedicated to pursing further professional development and has completed post-graduate courses in manual therapy, myofascial release, concussion management, acupuncture and functional dry needling.

Kelsey has a love for adventure and the great outdoors. She is also a sea kayak guide. Outside of the clinic, you can find her enjoying the ocean air, kayaking, hiking, biking and taking photographs.

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